According to Taiwan based supply chain vendors, Nokia is planning on resuming work on a 10 inch tablet powered by Windows RT. That would make the tablet a competitor to the full-sized Apple iPad, Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 and the Google Nexus 10 to name a few. Unlike the Windows 8 Pro OS, which is made for Intel powered tablets, Windows RT is for the traditional tablet experience, powered by an ARM-supported processor. The unnamed Nokia tablet is expected to be introduced in February at Barcelona during MWC 2013.
Nokia was planning on offering its 10 inch Windows RT tablet in Q1 2013, but Microsoft's introduction of its own Microsoft Surface tablets and the uncertainty of whether a market existed for Windows RT slates led the Finnish based firm to stop work on the tablet. Instead, Nokia decided to continue to focus on smartphones. And with sales of Windows RT tablets behind expectations, according to the supply chain manufacturers in Taiwan, Nokia is currently evaluating how many tablets it wants to order while it tries to come up with a marketing plan.
Nokia's original plan was to have the 10 inch tablet, powered by a Qualcomm S4 processor, built by Compal Electronics. Nokia wanted 200,000 units to test the market, but those plans were scrapped when the Microsoft Surface, uh, surfaced.
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