After launching alongside a wave of positive reviews last month, Apple’s Retina display-equipped MacBook Pro has been in high demand. After its announcement on June 11th, shipping estimates quickly slipped to 2-3 weeks and within 24-hours dropped to 3-4 weeks, where they have remained until now. For the first time since its launch, shipping estimates for the MacBook Pro with Retina display have improved to 2-3 weeks throughout Asia, Europe and North America. Apple’s latest high-end computer features a 15.4-inch display with an industry-leading 2800 x 1800-pixel resolution, or roughly 220 pixels-per-inch. The computer is a mere 0.7 inches thin and weighs less than 4.5 pounds. The Retina MacBook Pro is powered by an Intel Core i7 quad-core processor, up to 16GB of memory and 768GB of Flash storage. It has been rumored that Apple will debut a 13-inch MacBook Pro with a Retina display this fall.
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