iPhone 5 Pre-Orders Slip to 3 to 4 Weeks at Apple.com

If there is one thing that every single customer hates, that would be waiting. Unfortunately, that is what some future iPhone 5 owners will have to brace themselves for as the smartphone is now estimated to ship in 3 to 4 weeks if pre-ordered from the Apple store online. In comparison, the iPhone 5 projected shipping date stood at "only" 1 to 2 weeks until just recently.

The considerable delay doesn't surprise us much given the overwhelming iPhone 5 demand, which we reported about already. Only 24 hours were needed for 2 million units to be pre-ordered online, and about 8 million of them are expected to be sold by the end of the weekend. No wonder that as a result, Apple stock reached a new high of over $700 apiece.

So if you want to have an iPhone 5, but haven't placed a pre-order yet, prepare yourself for a lengthy wait. Sure, you can also try queuing up in front of a local Apple store, although there is no guarantee that you'll be able to buy one before they all sell out.

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