Nokia swings another infographic at iPhone

Just because the iPhone is the current big guy on the block does not mean the competition around it does not mean business.

Nokia UK placed a straightforward comparison between its upcoming Lumia 920 and the iPhone 5 on their Facebook page. It does not reveal anything we do not already know, but it does highlight the distinct differences we have all been talking about.

From screen size, to user experience and camera to color choices, Nokia makes its case against the Apple benchmark. What is odd however, is in the lower right corner, Nokia shows five colors to select from, black, white, grey, red and yellow, but the graphic itself also shows purple and the elusive cyan rendering which has been subject to much speculation.

Another area that might be regarded as amusing is Nokia’s comparison in the accessories realm. Nokia cites the impressive Nokia Purity Pro by Monster wireless headsets as part of their comparison to the iPhone 5’s included EarPods. First, given that the Purity Pro headsets cost about $375 by themselves, and we can safely assume that they will not be included with the Lumia 920 (or any Nokia phone for that matter), it does not approach an even comparison there. Second, love it or hate it, there is pretty much an iPhone accessory for just about everything, from socks to toilet paper docks. We do not envision Nokia being able to penetrate the accessory market quite so…completely.

Those two items aside, the comparison is pretty even handed. Nokia UK tagged their graphic with the caption, “Good things come to those that wait.” We agree, but we are still waiting for an official release date, then we can wait for the Lumia itself.
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