How to turn-off Instagram's automatically playing videos

Just few days back Instagram introduces the video upload capabilities in their Instagram app which is liked a lot by the users. As in first 24 hours Instagram users uploaded 5 million videos  and these no's are increasing with a great speed.

Same as Vine , Insragram also supports video auto-play but these thing seems a problem sometime but now we got a fix. So here's how you can turn of the automatically playing videos.

There's a button to turn 'off ' or 'on' the auto play video, just head over to your profile page by tapping on the far right navigation tab if you are using the mobile app, if you are iPhone user you will see a fixed gear icon in the top right corner of your profile page and Android users will see triple dots so just tap them.

A setting page will open, scroll down and you will see an option for “Auto-Play Videos” under Preferences. There will be an Auto-playing video option which is 'on' by default you just have to turn it 'off '.

But if you are a Android owner and your OS is not upgraded to the recent OS 4.1 jelly bean then you are out of luck.

Source: DigitalTrends

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