Google might release a $99 Nexus tablet by end-2012

The $199 Google Nexus 7 tablet might seem affordable, but what about a new tablet by Google that will cost half of that, or $99? A new Nexus priced at just $99 might be coming by the end of 2012, along with a new model of the existing $199 Nexus 7, according to Taiwanese DigiTimes and its industry sources.

Both new Nexus 7 models are said to use Twisted Nematic (TN) display panels manufactured by HannStar Display of Taiwan. That is the same company that we’ve heard recently appear on Apple’s list of vendors.

The new Nexus tablets will allegedly be made jointly by Asus and Google, and while Asus has denied those initial reports, we really hope that there a grain of truth in that. Why, you might wonder, though? The most obvious reason is the expected launch of the iPad mini, a rumored 7.85-inch more affordable tablet by Apple. The $99 Nexus might be an attempt to compete at even lower price points.

We’ve definitely seen Chinese makers be able to manufacture sub $100 tablets some of which with decent (not steller) performance. With falling chip prices, and by cutting some corners, it does seem possible. What do you think?
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